Sunday 1 March 2015



Leo Tolstoy

Kindness is the ultimate goal of our lives.
No matter how we understand kindness,
Our life is nothing but a desire to do good.
Leo Tolstoy


Empathy is experiencing others feelings and thoughts while remaining objective.
It also requires that you are able to communicate to someone your understanding of his/her thoughts and feelings to help them better understand themselves.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Draft plan to empower head women of household

    Draft plan to empower head women of household (1)


    In today s world like domination of machine on human emotions , unfortunately stress and  psychological pressure is intensified .Wars and bombing have intensified the severity of this state  in countries that have been exposed to these events.
These events have devastative  impacts on mental health of people and transferring it to other  people and society , more over they have dreadful impacts on various aspects of life include family life,education and job.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

"The Real and the Surreal"

I know nothing of a "super-reality." Reality contains everything I can know, for everything that acts upon me is real and actual. If it does not act upon me, then I notice nothing and can, therefore, know nothing about it. Hence I can make statements only about real things, but not about things that are unreal, or surreal, or subreal. Unless, of course, it should occur to someone to limit the concept of reality in such a way that the attribute "real" applied only to a particular segment of the world's reality. This restriction to the so-called material or concrete reality of objects perceived by the senses is a product of a particular way of thinking-the thinking that underlies "sound common sense" and our ordinary use of language. It operates on the celebrated principle "Nihil est in intellectu quod non antea fuerit in sensu," regardless of the fact that there are very many things in the mind which did not derive from the data of the senses. According to this view, everything is "real" which comes, or seems to come, directly or indirectly from the world revealed by the senses. This limited picture of the world is a reflection of the one-sidedness of Western man.

- "The Real and the Surreal" (1933). In CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. P.745

Monday 16 July 2012

Beautiful sentences

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou